Our inspectors are Certified Asbestos Assessors with years of experience in identifying and sampling asbestos material. During an asbestos inspection, we take photos, assess the condition and give advice on the risk of the asbestos found. We also send samples of suspected Asbestos to a NATA accredited laboratory for confirmation. A report is then compiled for the home owner to keep on record and recommendations are made for action to keep the home safe. We strongly recommend an Asbestos inspection prior to any alterations or renovations at your property. We also offer Asbestos Management Plans and Reports for businesses to comply with Australian Standards and WorkSafe legislation.
Asbestos products were used extensively throughout Australia from the 1940's to the late 1980's, however a huge surplus of asbestos was available and continued to be used in construction for years to follow. Consequently many homes in Australia now contain asbestos, a legacy which is difficult to detect without experience and proper equipment.
National asbestos ban
In Australia, asbestos cement materials were first manufactured in the 1920's and were commonly used in the manufacture of residential building materials from the mid-1940's until the late 1980's. During the 1980's, asbestos cement materials were phased out in favour of asbestos-free products
Australia banned the use or import of blue and brown asbestos or asbestos products in the mid-1980s, and banned all manufacture or import of white asbestos products in December 2003. From 31 December 2003, the total ban on manufacture, use, reuse, import, transport, storage or sale of all forms of asbestos came into force.
Asbestos fibres
Asbestos fibres are strong, heat resistant and have insulating properties. Clumps of mined asbestos can be broken down in to loose fibres or fibre bundles, and can be mixed with other materials, such as cement, to produce a variety of building products. Up to 90% of the asbestos produced in or imported into Australia was used for the manufacture of building products, especially asbestos cement materials.
Asbestos fibres are not visible to the naked eye. They are very light, remain airborne for a long time, and can be carried by wind and air currents over large distances.
Asbestos fibres can be found in the air from the breakdown of natural asbestos deposits and manufactured asbestos products. Once airborne, small fibres may remain suspended in the air for some time and can be carried long distances by wind before settling down. Large fibres and particles tend to settle more quickly. Asbestos fibres do not dissolve in water or move through soil. They are generally not broken down to other compounds and remain virtually unchanged over long periods.
Asbestos-containing building products are classified as either 'friable' (soft, crumbly) or 'bonded' (solid, rigid, non-friable).